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Is determined by the degree of closeness between the actual outcome (Outcome A) and the required outcome (Outcome B).

Being the value of the Outcome A a result of the interaction or utilization of matter, energy, or information, taking into account their inherent properties, within a specific space-time context.

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Innovation in the construction sector has been driven by contractors' interests in reducing production costs and delivery times. Despite advancements in digital technologies aimed at increasing worker safety and material efficiency, traditional methods remain prevalent.


We believe that construction innovation should focus on the people who will use and inhabit these spaces. For us, the house of the future is no longer a rigid, immovable structure but a dynamic machine composed of many tools.



For us, conversion rates and utilization are core concepts. The current model heavily relies on centralized infrastructure, specifically storage and transfer grids.


From our perspective, integrating energy conversion systems into all livable spaces can reduce dependency on grids and storage. This model naturally supports the efficient acquisition and use of energy, similar to how plants use all their leaves for photosynthesis.



Water is as important as energy, and therefore our approach is similar. Centralized distribution systems depend heavily on transmission grids, which have disadvantages such as the need for extensive piping and vulnerability to natural phenomena like earthquakes and pollution.


We aim to develop livable spaces capable of harvesting, managing, and recycling water used by their inhabitants.



Recycling is a cultural matter beyond the industrial transformation of materials. Thus, a circular economy is one of the core pillars of sustainability.


Our goal is to integrate tools into all livable spaces to foster a recycling culture in societies where these practices are not yet adopted.


Similar to recycling, food production and nutrition depend significantly on a society's culture, climate, and resource availability.


Currently, food production and distribution are centralized. To meet the demands of a growing population, resource limitations, and climate challenges, it is necessary to integrate production systems into all livable spaces and shorten distribution chains.


We aim to design components for the construction of sustainable, resilient, and autonomous infrastructure and livable spaces.


RESEARCH: Explore available technologies, assess their potential, and determine the requirements for adoption.


PLAN: Transform an idea into a structured, actionable plan.


MANAGEMENT: Connect stakeholders and execute project operations.

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